A lot is being talked about these days in the media about the new world order which has compelled me to think what the word would have meant had south asia had been a peaceful region. I mean think about it- India, China and Pakistan, not competing against each other but standing by each other, competing the world. I am sure that would have added a complete new dimension to the geographic and political dimension of the N.W.O. I know its hard to imagine since we are countries of completely different cultures and are based on completely different philosophy’s, but so are the US and Mexico. So are most of the members of the EU. So, what makes it so impossible for us in south asia to see beyond our differences and to imagine of what we could achieve together as one. Sure we have fought unfortunate battles against each other, but none have been termed the world wars. If countries that actually fought the two most disastrous wars in the history of man-kind can today work together as stratergic partners then why can’t we.
I am compelled to think that is west consistently giving us reasons to maintain our differences by pitting us against each other just to delay that N.W.O. I end the blog with a strong emphasis on the word delay.